
The Archaeological Institute with Museum has been founded in 1892 as National Museum. In 1921 with an order of His Majesty king Boris the Third and a decision of the Parliament the Institute of Archaeology has been established. From 1949 both institutions entered the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences as Institute of Archaeology with Museum. The most famous scientists of the Institute are A. Protic, B. Filov, Kr. Miyatev, D. Dimitrov, D. Angelov, N. Musmov, N. Mavrodinov, V. Velkov. Director: Prof. Vasil Nikolov 9. Main activities The Archaeological Institute with Museum is one of the oldest institutions of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Since it's foundation the Institute investigates the material remains of the tribes and peoples which settled Bulgarian lands during the past centuries. In the field of the prehistoric research the Karanovo chronological system has been created. This system became the basic point for studying Neolithic and Enaeolithic cultures in Central and Southeastern Europe. A chronological system of the Bronze Age sequence in Southeastern Europe based on the investigations of Ezero, Junacite, Dyadovo, Nova Zagora and Galabovo tells has been established. The place of the Thracians in creating and developing the Ancient Civilization has been pointed out by the Institute's employees. Excellent works of the Thracian civilizations such as the Thracian tombs in "The Valley of the Kings", the Thracian Getic religious and cult centre near Sboryanovo (Northeast Bulgaria), Starosel, Pistiros etc. are in course of investigation now. In the National Archaeological Museum the Valcitran treasure as well as the famous Duvanlii finds and materials from recent excavations are exposed. The investigations of the Roman culture in the provinces of Moesia Inferior and Thrace as well as numerous hoards, inscriptions etc. are of primary importance for the better understanding of this ancient European civilization. The investigations of the history and culture of Bulgarian people (7th - 17th century AD) are related to such problems as foundation of the Bulgarian state and nation, the struggle for independence and cultural and ethnical identity, a struggle which reflects the identity of the Bulgarian nation in the civilized world. The prime attention is focused at he excavations of the former Bulgarian capitals - Pliska, Preslav and Veliko Tarnovo, sites which represent the extraordinary Bulgarian medieval culture. The National Archaeological Museum is the oldest museum in Bulgaria. Over 55 000 monuments and about 1 300 000 coins are kept in it. With the restoring rooms for art, pottery, metal and stone the National Archaeological Museum is one of the biggest in Europe. The Museum organizes various expositions in Bulgaria and abroad, an activity which makes the cultures of the ancient Bulgarian lands more popular in Europe and worldwide. The Archaeological Institute with Museum coordinates the archaeological investigations and controls all the excavations in Bulgaria. A Information Computer Text System "Archaeological map of Bulgaria" comprises an open data base of the archaeological heritage of the country. Members of the Institute take part in different commissions for protecting world, European and Bulgarian heritage. They took part in creating Bulgarian laws connected with the heritage protection according to the European standards.

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