The reservation, declared in 1988, with an area of about 16000m2 protects rare creations of nature and one of the greatest concentrations of archaeological sites in the country. The most notable of them belong to the culture of the Thracians - more than 100 tumuli, vast areas surrounded by stone walls, cult places, sanctuaries and others, dated to the 1st mill.BC, as well as important sites from the Praehistoric, Roman and the Mediaeval periods. The name Sboryanovo, meaning Place for gathering, reveals, as well as many other toponyms, the role of this sacred area where people gather and perform rituals in the area of the Alian monastery Demir baba teke.

Ginina Tumulus
1. Kamen rid

2. Demir baba teke
3. Helis - city of the Getae

The Base
The Eastern Necropolis

Great Sveshtari Tumulus
4.The Western Necropolis

5. The City - Once upon a time ...
